Artist Spotlight: Estevan Oriol and Leah McSweeney

We're excited to recognize another two Artists 4 Israel alumni and their continued success! Cheers to Estevan Oriol and Leah McSweeney. Both are graduates of one of our 2016 missions to Israel.

Although A4I is most noted for our graffiti and tattoo trips, Leah and Estevan joined a trip mixing other forms of art.

Estevan, noted photographer and fashion designer, taught children in immigration centers how to express themselves through imagery and gave away hundreds of his Joker brand shirts and clothing. Today, he is the star of Netflix’s most popular film, "LA Originals."

Leah, a feminist icon and Founder of the only female focused street wear brand, talked to at-risk women and youth about her own trials and growth. She gave away thousands of pieces of Married to the Mob clothing in hospitals, youth villages and schools. Leah is the newest member of Real Housewives of New York. Leah is also known for her ground breaking work exposing the corruption in and eventually toppling the Women’s March due to blatant anti-Semitism.

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