Artists 4 Israel's Painting Ideas Community Mural Program

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The world is full of very big questions. Artists 4 Israel has always believed that people, not organizations, have the best answers. Our work has been propelled by the idea that we each have the ability and the talent to create important social change. We bring this concept to the front of our work with Painting Ideas.

Painting Ideas brings Artists 4 Israel artists and administrators to your group where they begin a dialogue on an important topic related to the Jewish community and end with a number of beautiful works of art.

It begins with a question: “What does Judaism mean to me?” “What does Israel mean to me?” “How do we best advocate for Israel?” “How can we demonstrate Tikkun Olam?” “How can we be more productive as a team?” Artists 4 Israel administrators work with the teachers, Directors or others to facilitate dialogue and find new and fresh answers. Then, the fun begins.

Our artists ask: “Now that you have these great ideas, how do you express it in a drawing?” After all, as Artists 4 Israel is proof, nothing communicates a message better than a powerful image. After some sketching and drawing, led by our artists, and a brief tutorial on graffiti and street art, the participants come up in groups and paint their pictures. For most, this is the first time holding a spray paint can and doing it under the tutelage of a professional artist, is an awesome experience.

Once the participants are done, we create magic. The group leaves and the artists go back into the work. They touch it up, straighten lines, darken colors, add some shadows and shading and, at the end, there are a number of beautiful, professional looking pieces of art that still show the work of the participants themselves.

Suited for a range of audiences young and old, has become an important part of student engagement, student lessons, organizational growth and other projects at JCCs, Hillels, Day Schools and Camps across the country.

You can see some of the finished work and the joy of the “reveal” below.

With Painting Ideas, creativity, collaboration and community are brought to life on a sealed canvas that can be displayed for years to come.

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